Founded by José Roberto Chicas in 2016, The Iconic "Nuke/Tree" (T.I.N.T.) Project is named after the first poster project José worked on in 2005 when he first joined Avenging Angels Inc., a political and advocacy advertising agency working exclusively for progressive causes founded by legendary advertising industry titan, the late great Gene Case. Over the past 10 years, T.I.N.T. has steadily come to be reproduced and recognized worldwide and continues to grow organically, blossoming into the ubiquitous visual that is alive and very much relevant today.
The T.I.N.T. poster image, seemingly a simple photographic juxtaposition, succeeds in capturing the archetypal concept of Universal Duality in a novel way for our time. Its timeless appeal lies in its ability to represent many different things to different people around the world. Some obvious examples of what it has represented are: Destruction/Creation, Darkness/Light, and its originally intended War/Peace message. Today, we possess the omnipotent power to influence how and even when the Human Race will end. This fact alone can seem incredibly frightening and disheartening, while at the same time, liberating and empowering. Today, humanity as a whole, stands at a point in the road where the path splits. However lonely and frightening this situation might appear, both to our private and collective selves, WE DO NOT have to travel down the darker path. We can imagine ourselves into the future and look back at ourselves standing at the point where we still had the power to choose. Our godlike power over the forces of the universe demands that we make the right ethical choice. Today, more than ever, we must choose Creation over Destruction, Light over Darkness and, ALWAYS, Peace over War.
José Roberto Chicas was born in El Salvador in 1980 at the beginning of its civil war. When he was 6 years old, he and his two sisters immigrated to the United States to reunite with their parents. He grew up in Cliffside Park, New Jersey, where he attended public elementary school. In 1996, when he was in the 8th grade, José was accepted to Saint Peter's Preparatory School in Jersey City, New Jersey, on a partial scholarship. For financial reasons José went on to attend and graduate from Cliffside Park High School in 1999. He was accepted to The School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City in 2000. On February 17, 2004, José's apartment building in New Jersey burned to the ground along with both the Advertising & Graphic Design portfolios he had put together while in college. José managed to reassemble his artwork and to graduate from SVA with a BFA in Advertising and Graphic Design in May 2004. In the fall of that year, he began an internship with the advertising agency BBDO Worldwide. In the spring of 2005, José joined the progressive ad agency Avenging Angels Inc. and worked there until the end of 2010. In 2011, he went on to join a longtime client of Avenging Angels, The Nation Magazine, in the role of Production Coordinator, Designer, and Contributor. In 2013, José relocated to Dallas, Texas, where he is currently an Independent Artist.
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José Roberto Chicas | Designer | Founder
The Iconic "Nuke/Tree" Project
DONATE: GoFundMe.com/Nuke_Tree_Project
T.I.N.T. © 2017 Jose Roberto Chicas. All rights reserved.
"Wir Heutigen sind die Generation, die den Untergang
der Art erleben und herbeiführen wird.
Als schuldig-unschuldige Täter und Opfer zugleich
werden wir umkommen von eigener Hand."
–Hoimar von Ditfurth, 1985
We today are the generation that will cause and experience the downfall of the species. As both guilty/innocent perpetrators and victims, we will die from our own hands.
–Hoimar von Ditfurth, 1985
(With sincerest apologies to the original Author, an attempt at a rough and unofficial translation)
The Iconic "Nuke/Tree" at the crossroads of the World
May 02, 2010
by Matthew Weinstein | May 2, 2010